Saturday, July 5, 2008



Today I had day of india v/s japan. my whole day in confusion to be in india or try to go for japan.

I dont know what i will do.but selection is not easy.People say its big time oppertunity and you never get same thing again.It will take your life to next level and blah blah blah..

But on other hand i think I cant live a place where i have to live with earthquakes and all.

Hay guys, I m writing all this but if i get job. then i think my mind can change ;)

By the way apart from that, today is saturday night..What a lovely time of life on saturday nights when so much relif that next day is holiday. I will surely wake up late tomorrow and enjoy full day.. Hay tomorrow there is final between india and srilanka. Now this makes me feeling good. Because India is playing really well but as per our history we dont play good in finals so I m bit tensed about that.

I want to share something which i read last night written by a person who impressed me lot lot by his attitude.I am talking about RAGHU. I know there is no need to introduce him to youngsters of india. He is creative head of MTV.

This is from raghu him self :-
What is the purpose of language? To express oneself, to communicate. Right? So if I was angry at you, I could say “I’ll get you”, or I could say “I’ll f&%$ you”. Or “main teri g@*&# maar doonga” what would express me more clearly? What would communicate to me my feelings more effectively? The second and the third ones, don’t you think? So if the purpose of language is to communicate, I submit to you that abuses are an integral, possibly indispensable part of language. I don’t endorse the use of foul words. Neither am I against it. I just feel its stupid to judge someone based just on the way he chooses to express himself. Promoting abuses? Have they heard kids talking in schools and colleges lately? You’d think this was Pottymouth High! If they think kids are looking at television to educate them on abuses, they’re deluding themselves. In fact, I’m sure the kids can teach us new, creative abuses! So let’s stop kidding ourselves, okay? And lets stop this witch-hunt for someone to blame. Where do you think I picked up these words from? I didn’t invent bad language, did I? I learnt it from school and college too. Roadies is a reality show. There is no script for the cast members. Everything they say is their own. Abuses are frequently used. And I, who people accuse of promoting bad language, beep all their abuses so others don’t hear them or get offended by them. So go ahead and have your opinion. But if you think I give a s%#$ about it, you must be f@$&ing nuts!

he is really cool guy and i always appriciate him. Now I m going to watch TV.

Before signing off, i m here to give u daily dose.....
Song of the day:
yaaro dosti badi hi hasin hai....
song of rockford sung by kay kay.
Really sweet song sung by beautiful voice with great..
to all friends whom i always miss lot lot lot

Quote of the day:-
"Me bahot thak gaya hu ek kaam kar jor se tera gaal mere haath pe rakh de"
-Hats off Raghu

Joke of the day:-
One day in a school in London , a teacher said to a class of 5-year-olds, "I'll give 10 pounds to the child who can tell me who was the most famous man who ever lived."

An Irish boy put his hand up and said, "It was St.Patrick." The teacher said, "Sorry Paddy, that's not correct."

Then a Scottish boy put his hand up and said, "It was St. Andrew." The teacher replied, "I'm sorry, Hamish,that's not right either."

Then a Jewish boy put his hand up and said "David", the Buddhist boy said "Gautama Buddha" and the Muslim boy said "Mohammed". They all were not successful.

Finally, a Gujju boy raised his hand and said, "It was Jesus Christ." The teacher said,"That's absolutely right, Jignesh, come up here and I'll give you the 10 pounds that I promised."

As the teacher was giving Jignesh his money, she said,"You know Jignesh, since you're a Patel, I was very surprised you said Jesus Christ."

Jignesh replied, "Yes. In my heart I knew it was Krishna , but Business is Business!"


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